K r e a x i o n - Web Development


Hi, I'm Rodric, a freshly graduated web developer (Open Classrooms) and seasoned manager, ready to merge creativity and leadership in a front-end role. With a rich and diverse background, I aim to build intuitive interfaces while fostering a positive and productive team dynamic.


HTML & CSS: Booki - FIGMA integration

Launching my web development career, I undertook the challenge of creating a hotel booking website, a cornerstone project that showcases my foundational skills in HTML and CSS. Developed with a "desktop first" approach, the site stands as a testament to my understanding of responsive design, validated to W3C standards. Leveraging semantic tags and CSS variables, I crafted a user interface that is both intuitive and accessible. Recognized for my articulate presentation and deep understanding of core web technologies, I am eager to bring my meticulous attention to detail and validated expertise in HTML and CSS to your team.


Vanilla Javascript: Architect Portfolio

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Github access

During my training, I crafted a dynamic web page using JavaScript, showcasing intuitive project management through an API. The site facilitates efficient project categorization and features a secure login interface. This endeavor demonstrates my firm grasp of JavaScript fundamentals, including DOM manipulation and user event management. Praised for its clean code and polished presentation, this project stands as a testament to my commitment to delivering high-quality work. I am eager to take on new challenges in the professional world, bringing a proven track record of technical skill and dedication.


React: Kasa,rent a house

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Github access

Passionate React Developer, I crafted the new Kasa web platform, meticulously adhering to the Figma mockups.
React expertise showcased through modular and reusable components, and optimized route management with React Router. Proficiency in Sass for a modern and efficient CSS style.
Clean, well-organized code, and an application free of errors or warnings, successfully validated during my defense.
I am ready to take on new challenges and bring my rigor and expertise to your team.


Node.JS : Backend & Security

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Github access

As an up-and-coming web developer, I crafted "Mon Vieux Grimoire," a groundbreaking platform for book enthusiasts. Leveraging my expertise in Node.js, Express, and MongoDB, I created a haven where users can discover, rate, and share books securely. I implemented robust authentication using JWT and bcrypt, ensuring a reliable and secure user experience. My clean and well-organized code stands as a testament to my commitment to adhering to best development practices. With validated skills and a security-focused approach, I am eager to take on new challenges in the professional realm.


Photographer Portfolio -
SEO & Accecibility

Github Access

"Following an immersive journey in web development, I honed essential skills in SEO, accessibility, and debugging through Chrome DevTools. My commitment to optimized and modern code is showcased in a harmonious and high-performing website. Discover this technical journey in my portfolio, where quality meets efficiency."


Project Manager -
AGILE methodology

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Github Access

Managed and executed a project following AGILE methodologies to develop a restaurant menu website, showcasing my skills in project management and client communication alongside web development.
No code and no online website for this project

AGILE Project Thumbnail
No Website